Units Gained: Understanding affordable housing supply gains
Housing Roadmap
Housing Intelligence
The National Housing Strategy promised 150,000 new affordable units in 10 years. Our research seeks to create a baseline for affordable housing in Canada and understand the impact of the NHS on affordable units gained. Check out our reports below for more information on units gained through the NHS and what that means for Canada’s affordable housing system.

Housing Accelerator Fund: No supply surge soon
CHEC-CCRL Perspective, February 2024
Establishing a baseline: estimating the scale of Canada’s non-market housing stock at commencement of the NHS
Prepared as part of the development of the Housing Data Monitor under the CMHC Housing Supply Challenge
By Steve Pomeroy
Industry Professor, McMaster University, and Executive Advisor, Canadian Housing Evidence Collaborative (CHEC)
February 2024
HART launches housing research tools.
CHEC-CCRL Newsletter, April 2023
Home sharing: a win-win for students and older adults.
CHEC-CCRL Newsletter, Sept 2023
Scaling up affordable housing: Inspiration from Canada and abroad.
CHEC-CCRL Newsletter, June 2023
Self-building programs: Homes made with pride.
CHEC-CCRL Perspective, April 2023
Tenants create co-op to preserve affordable housing when landlord puts building up for sale.
CHEC-CCRL Newsletter, Aug 2023
Ready or Not: Metro Migration to Smaller Communities.
CHEC-CCRL Newsletter, May 2022