by aministrator | Apr 8, 2022 | In Case you Missed It
Written by: Steve Pomeroy, CHEC-CCRL Executive advisor and McMaster University Industry Professor Just as housing garnered more attention in the 2021 federal election than any previous election, it scored a record appearance in Budget 2022 contributing 20 pages out of...
by aministrator | Jan 25, 2022 | In Case you Missed It
Written by: Patricia Streich, Housing Consultant & Researcher Canada’s 2017 National Housing Strategy (NHS) declared that all Canadians have a right to housing: people deserve a place to live that they can afford with 30% of their incomes. Non-profit...
by aministrator | Dec 3, 2021 | Featured Research
by Steve Pomeroy It seems that my article on the factors contributing to excessive home price increases has generated considerable debate – most notably by those who assert the problem is lack of supply. Unlike many other articles, I sought to use data and...
by aministrator | Dec 1, 2021 | In Case you Missed It
Authors: Melissa Perri and Patricia O’Campo Current housing-related programs and policies implemented across Canada do not consider gender in an appropriate and effective manner (gender-blind).1,2 Calls for more attention to housing programs and policies that focus on...
by aministrator | Nov 17, 2021 | In Case you Missed It
By: Brenda Parker, Catherine Leviten-Reid, and Isobel Araujo How do national housing policies impact the lives of Canadians who need them most? The People, Policies, and Prospects research node investigates the outcomes of different housing policies and strategies...